Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Praying for our students through the year - day 27 (Head to Toe - part 1)

Now that we have made it through the alphabet, we covered lots of Godly Character Traits to pray over our children. Today we are going to start praying for our kids, grand kids, students, and others from "head to toe". A great way to remember them is to think of each of these as you are getting ready in the mornings...
  1. Pray for their mind - for them to earnestly seek wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Pray they will learn to value discernment and choose the best yes. Pray they will center their thoughts on holy and pure things--not on pleasures of this world or things that will draw them away from God. Pray they will develop a Biblical World View and focus on God's Word as Truth. (Book of Proverbs, James 1:5, Psalm 119:97)
  2. Pray for their eyes - Ask God to protect their innocence and not let them grow up too quickly. Pray they will not look on unwholesome things. I hate to say it, but children are exposed to porn at a very young age now (some statistics show this happens as early as 3rd grade). Pray for God to protect them from this form of evil. Pray they will choose good social media, if they have access to it. Pray they will focus on right and pure things, not lustful temptations. Pray they will have eyes to see the good in people and show Christ-like love. Pray they will love God and their neighbors. (Psalm 101:3).
  3. Pray for their ears - Pray they will be quick to hear and slow to speak. Pray they will not listen to gossip, or negative influences around them. Pray they will incline their ears to instruction and to the ways of the Lord. Pray they will listen to music that is positive---music does not make someone a monster, however garbage in will result in garbage out. Pray they choose to watch and listen to good TV shows and movies that are not filled with violence and evil. What shows are their ears and eyes hearing and seeing on TV or the theater? (Proverbs 8:32). 
  4. Pray for their mouth - Ask God to help them learn to control their tongue. Pray they will learn the value of speaking truth instead of speaking lies. Pray they will learn the value of silence. Pray their words will be pleasing to our Heavenly Father and for uplifting others. Pray they will not use their mouths to bring others down or for destruction. Pray they will speak with respect and use their words to worship and praise God. (Psalm 34:13).

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