Thursday, April 15, 2021

Crowd Pleaser or Christ Pleaser?

“And this was why the Jews were persecuting Jesus, because he was doing these things on the Sabbath.”
‭‭John‬ ‭5:16‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Jesus heals a man  who had been crippled for 38 years. He is persecuted by the Jews because the healing happened on a Sabbath (Saturday). God had commanded that people rest from their work on the Sabbath (in Exodus 20:8-11). The Jewish leaders were prideful because they “knew” the law/God’s Word. yet in all their knowledge they didn’t have wisdom to realize who Christ was. The problem of the Jewish leaders was that they practiced religion, but did not pursue a relationship with God.

God placed Christ in the position as Judge over us and our sins. When we take God’s law and add to it, complicate it, or twist it like the Jewish leaders did we will be held accountable. .Jesus will be impartial because He seeks to honor God and not himself. He is not concerned with pleasing man. Throughout His life, Jesus purposefully sought out people who were hurting, sick, or disabled. As followers of Jesus, we need to do the same.

Lord, help us to never get in the habit of knowing about You without ever really knowing and trusting You. Help me to never be on an intellectual pursuit instead of a personal passionate relationship with You. Help me to fully trust You and completely surrender everything I am and all that I have to You. Help to live for an audience of One. Help me to live to please You and not the crowd.

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