Now that National Collection Week has ended what happens? The next step of the shoebox journey begins...
I AM THRILLED TO ANNOUNCE NEA OCC reported 10,204 shoeboxes this year! That's over 10,000 kids that will learn about Jesus through your generosity this week!!!!
Thank You to everyone who packed shoeboxes, this ministry would not be a success without each one of you!
Thank You to everyone who packed shoeboxes, this ministry would not be a success without each one of you!
Thanks to:
- Our 50 volunteers who helped at First Free Will Baptist Church Collection Center this week
- All our wonderful prayer warriors
- All our other 6 counties of NEA OCC that has lots of volunteers and worked hard to receive shoeboxes all week
- To our drivers that will be transporting our precious cargo to Denver
- and most of all THANKS BE TO GOD, OUR LOVING FATHER, who blessed us with abundantly more Gospel Opportunities Shoeboxes this year that will impact kids around the world! What a Mighty God we serve! I love OCC Ministry and all of you!
"Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever!"
Psalm 118:1
In the words of Melinda Dixon, our Area Coordinator:
"Wow! God really showed up & showed out today! 10,204 shoeboxes from NEA! High totals were recorded today from almost all counties! Craighead: 3703, Greene: 2500, Mississippi: 1233, Randolph: 914, Lawrence: 413, Clay: 504, and Poinsett: 937. So humbled to work with such an awesome group of volunteers! Amazing to think about the eternal impact that these boxes will have on so many children!"The rest of the Journey of Your Shoeboxes... What Happens Next Article
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