Pray for the children participating in
The Greatest Journey discipleship program to have a clear understanding of what it means to have a relationship with Christ as well as how to share what they have learned and experienced with others. Two children every minute accept Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior because of The Greatest Journey!
The Greatest Journey - Haiti |
The Greatest Journey - Panama |
The Greatest Journey is an exciting discipleship program that teaches children to become faithful followers of Christ. The program is offered to children who have received an Operation Christmas Child shoebox.
Did you know that last year, over 209,000 children learned about Jesus Christ through the Bible study offered to children and their families after we distributed gift-filled shoeboxes in their communities?
This Bible study is called The Greatest Journey, and it is offered freely to children by local churches in the days following a shoebox distribution event, provided we have their parents’ or guardians’ approval, and permission from local authorities.
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