This week will you pray for Slovakia. It is a locked central European state south of Poland. Only 1% of the over 5 million population is Evangelical Christian. There are 20 different people groups that speak 13 different languages.
1. Pray that the ministry partners will understand the Operation Christmas Child vision.
2. Pray that mission agencies and local churches cooperate to the best effect, with joy and humility.
3. Pray for those reaching out to them, for love that will overcome all barriers and stereotypes.

1. Pray for wisdom to recruit, select and lead new and/or transitioning volunteers.
2. Pray for provision of resources to reach God-sided goals for the current year! Our Mid-south shoebox goal is 737,500 boxes.
3. Pray for the Collection and Relay Center Coordinators as they prepare for collection week.
4. Pray for Media relations volunteers that they will find favor with newspapers, TV, and radio.
5. Pray for Church and Community relations volunteers as they share about OCC.
6. Pray for the Full-Circle Tours as they continue.

We hope to reach a very big audience to get people inspired to advocate for our shoebox recipients and cast the vision for The Greatest Journey. We believe the enemy hates this and will do anything possible to stop this ministry from moving forward. We ask you to pray and pray specifically over these three dates and times listed above. We ask you to spend devoted time asking God to do great and mighty things through these simulcasts to get more people packing shoeboxes!
You can pray specifically seven ways:
1. That technology will work excellently for each of the simulcasts. That all people who want to join in will not be hindered or frustrated by using Skype. That our staff will have no issues with our systems, our programs, or our sound. That all participating can hear clearly and fully and see their screen to follow along.
2. That people will make a concerted effort to join in and be fully attentive. That no hindrance or scheme will keep those intended from being available to participate.
3. That our OCC Connect volunteers will be better equipped, well-versed, and encouraged by new updates and concrete their knowledge in the basics of OCC.
4. That our project leaders would learn new ways to implement OCC in their churches, community groups, and prayer groups. That they would be inspired to reach even more children and advocate more passionately for the children of the world.
5. That individuals who have packed boxes will be encouraged to go deeper with OCC and learn more about how to get further involved.
6. That church leaders and staff would truly grasp the depth of this project and the worldwide disciple-making movement that it is.
7. For our goal of 737,000 shoeboxes to come from TN, AR, and KY in these next few months. We ask for God to do it and to do it marvelously! “For you are great and do marvelous deeds; You alone are God!” Psalm 86:10 NIV
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