Saturday, October 31, 2015

31 Days of Prayer for Operation Christmas Child - Day 16

Pray for safety of  the volunteers who will be working in over 4,000 Collection & Relay Centers around the country. Click the link to find a drop-off location near you!

A Special Delivery…Wrapped in Love...
God is in the delivery business––always has been and always will be. In the Bible, the word deliver has rich and varied significance. A primary meaning is “to rescue, save, or draw out” and “to snatch or drag out of danger.” We need to be delivered because we are powerless to save ourselves. Jesus is our Rescuer, our Savior. In extravagant love, the Father sent His Son to deliver us from the darkness and dead-end ways of sin and transfer us into the Kingdom of light and liberty. This eternal transaction is true for all who receive His gracious offer of life and salvation. Deliver also carries the idea of making an announcement or handing over a message. Amazingly, God has invited us to help share the Good News. Through Operation Christmas Child, we have the privilege of delivering this wonderful message to children and their families. The gift-filled boxes that volunteers handle in the Relay, Collection and Processing Centers will find their way around the world and provide an opportunity for children to hear and respond to the life-changing proclamation of God’s love. 

“He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the Kingdom of the Son of His love.” Colossians 1:13, NKJV 

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