Tuesday, October 13, 2015

30 Days of Prayer and Fasting Continues for FWB Missionaries

Today is day 13 of prayer and fasting for Free Will Baptist Missionaries and everyday the email updates have been very touching, but I wanted to share yesterday's prayer...
DAY 12: Responding to the Call 
When God has a task to do, He reaches down, taps one of His people on the shoulder, and asks, “How about you?” Throughout the ages, men and women of God have responded affirmatively to His calling.
Some people find themselves just a few miles from their birthplace, planting new churches; others are directed thousands of miles away, across the ocean, into areas that are often extremely resistant, sometimes violently so, to the spread of the gospel.
The common denominator in these directives is not the geographical or cultural context, but the Light being taken to those living in darkness.
A pastor visited us in Africa. After several days with the missionaries, he made this observation: “It takes a preacher to understand a preacher, and a teacher to understand a teacher, but I don’t know who can understand a missionary.”
I think maybe he was seeing something intriguingly unique about those who leave all, to give all. Our Free Will Baptist missionaries, both home and international, responded in the affirmative when God tapped them on the shoulder. They were willing to leave all, to give all. Each one needs your prayers on a daily basis.
Do you have a set of missionary prayer cards? Cards are a good way to look at a face as you pray for a missionary. You can also go online and see the different missionaries serving in North America (www.fwbnam.com) and around the world (www.fwbgo.com). Why don’t you set aside time to pray for our Free Will Baptist missionaries wherever they are serving?
Pray for commitment to fulfill His will as He leads. Pray those who have committed to missions work, both home and abroad, will continue faithfully shining the light of Christ.

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