Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Indonesia Operation Christmas Child

Praise God for the progress OCC has made in 2015. The rest of this week pray God will open doors for OCC to reach the unreached people groups in Indonesia.  Shoebox gifts collected in the United States in 2014 will be delivered to 79,286 children in Indonesia. Praise God that over 1,246,400 children have received a shoebox since 2000, when Operation Christmas Child began distributing gifts here.
  • Indonesia has 253.6 million people and is located in Southeast Asia
  • 26% of the population is 14 years old or younger
- Praise God for providing the financial resources needed to carry out the project in Indonesia.
- Praise God for the successful clearance of the containers and for  the boxes that are ready to be distributed.
- Praise God for the Teacher Trainer Trainings held in February. 

- Pray all of the participants will be encouraged and equipped fully to train more teachers. 
- Pray that more TDW training can be held and that OCC will be able to disciple more children as a result. (TDW is The Discipleship Workbook-same as The Greatest Journey but used in sensitive countries) 
- Pray for the completion of the sRLTs and RLTs. Pray God will open doors to establish teams in new areas and that He will send the right people to serve on these teams. 
- Pray for the existing sRLT and RLTs. (Regional Leadership Team)
- Pray God will equip them to accomplish their tasks well this season.
- Pray God provides more committed Ministry Partners who have a heart for children and want to support OCC full-heartedly.

"And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up." (Galatians 6:9 ESV)

Friday, May 15, 2015

OCC Samoa

Today will you join us in praying for Samoa?

Pray for the distributions and the Ministry Partners.

Pray for the development of the Regional Leadership Team. 

Pray they know their roles as the teams prepare for the nConnect. 

nConnect is a Volunteer National Connect Conference each country has similar to the Connect conference in the U.S. 

Thank You for praying for Samoa. 

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

OCC Malaysia

Today will you pray for OCC Malaysia?

* Praise God the government authorities approved the tax exoneration (relieved, as from an obligation) for the shoeboxes.
* Praise God for the successful Ministry Partner and TDW (The Discipleship Workbook (same as TGJ but used in sensitive countries) trainings over the past few months and for the teachers who were trained.
* Pray for the recruitment of the right candidates to fill the vacant positions on the National Leadership Team (NLT). 
* Pray the establishment of an interim committee and a future sRLT in the eastern region, to receive and distribute gift boxes this season. sRLT - Senior Regional Leadership Team (similar to Regional Area Coordinators in the U.S. as they oversee multiple Regional Teams. 
* Pray God will provide more volunteers to help the NLT in expanding the project with greater clarity and unity.

Thanks and have a wonderful Thursday! 

"For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them." (Matthew 18:20)

Monday, May 4, 2015

Global Day of Prayer

May 6th is the Global Day of Prayer and Fasting for Operation Christmas Child.  We want to have our NEA Team have a time of unified prayer time for each of our counties.  Wednesday May 6th, between 6-8am and 6-8pm we ask that you choose some time to be praying for Clay, Craighead, Greene, Lawrence, Mississippi, Poinsett, and Randolph Counties. 

1.   Pray that God will allow us to do abundantly more this year, our NEA goal is 10,200 boxes! 
2.  Pray for the Relay Centers and collection sites (I know National Collection Week it is not until November 16-23rd) but we want this to be the best collection year ever so more children will come to a saving knowledge of Jesus through the power of the shoebox and The Greatest Journey. 
3.  Pray for more people to have a passion for OCC and want to become year around volunteers.
4. Pray for more organizations and churches to start packing shoeboxes this year.
5. Pray for a volunteer - we  NEED a media team member or coordinator for NEA. 
6. Pray that every county will have a Church Relations team member. 

Unified prayer time:
6-6:05 Clay County
6:05-6:10 Craighead County
6:10-6:15 Green County
6:15-6:20 Lawrence County
6:20-6:25 Mississippi County
6:25-6:30 Poinsett County
6:30-6:35 Randolph County

Will you join us in praying for OCC & NEA OCC on May 6th? 

"For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.” (Matthew 18:20)

Monday, April 27, 2015

MAY Prayers for OCC

As we are quickly approaching May, praise God for the families, all around the world who pack shoebox gifts and make this ministry possible. Praise God for the churches that have been planted and the people that have been saved by God’s work through Operation Christmas Child. Praise God for all of the international, national, regional, and local teams who work with Operation Christmas Child.  Pray that the millions of children participating in The Greatest Journey discipleship program would have a clear understanding of what a relationship with Christ means. Pray likewise that they discover how to share what they have learned and experienced with others. Praise God for our new country for Shoebox distribution--in November, OCC received the final signature needed to begin shoebox distributions in Recife, Brazil. Our teams have been working hard since February for the sea containers to be released but prayer is needed for the customs clearance process to be finalized. During May we will be praying for East Asia, specifically this week pray for China & Fiji.  Also lift up everyone in Nepal dealing with the aftermath of the earthquake. 

Let's unite in prayer that we open our ears and listen to the Holy Spirt and God's direction for our NEA team, for the U.S.A., , for our other sending nations and our receiving nations, so we can we rooted, do abundantly more boxes in 2015,  and follow His guidance for His Honor and Glory. 

"If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!” (Luke 11:13 ESV)

Friday, April 24, 2015

Peru & Operation Christmas Child

The week of praying for Paraguay and Peru is coming to an end so I want to thank you for your prayers and end with some specific requests and information about Peru. Shoebox gifts were first delivered to children in Peru in 1996. The National Leadership Team (NLT) consists of Teresa Choquehuanca as National Coordinator, Silvia Titto as Prayer Coordinator, Loida Herrera as Logistics Coordinator, Ana Delgado as Discipleship Coordinator, Dina Gamboa as Training Coordinator and Margoth Aguirre as Resources Coordinator. The NLT has developed 12 Regional Leadership Teams that are instrumental in leading efforts in the different regions of the country. Pray for these leaders.   Pray for the people living in the Puno region as they deal with extremely cold weather. Pray for the native communities. Pray for the new Regional Leadership Teams.  Praise God for all He has done in 2014 – for allowing the team to take the Gospel to 15 regions and to share it with 166,977 children. Praise Him for the children who accepted Christ and participated in The Greatest Journey (TGJ).  Praise God for the children’s prayer program in Peru, Children in the Gap, which saw hundreds of children join in prayer for the ministry of OCC this year. Praise God for allowing the team to reach children who live in remote places with great spiritual needs.  Praise God for the volunteer regional leadership teams, Teacher Trainers, and volunteers, whose hearts are ready to serve with OCC and who make this ministry possible.  Pray for the volunteer regional leadership team who live in areas where the rainy season makes it difficult to travel in order to distribute boxes and for the children to attend TGJ classes.  Pray for the provision of the resources for the volunteer regional leadership team working in the jungles of Peru.  Thank you for praying and have a blessed weekend! 

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Paraguay OCC

I hope you are having a blessed Tuesday evening!  Paraguay's specific requests to pray for are the recruitment of the first volunteer regional leadership team for the country.  Also, please pray God provides the right people to serve as Prayer Coordinator, Discipleship Coordinator, and Church Mobilization Coordinator on the National Leadership Team (NLT). Pray for The Greatest Journey program for 2015 in Paraguay. Pray for the provision of the resources needed to carry out the project in Paraguay and for the NLT to have enough time to complete their work. Pray the churches will see each shoebox as an evangelistic opportunity instead of a form of social service for families. Thank you for your faithfulness to pray for these specific requests and Operation Christmas Child each day. 

"The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective." (James 5:16b)