Good News...Great Joy...
Operation Christmas Child in 2015 asked all of our supporters to do 4 things:
1. Pack higher quality shoeboxes, as the value has been declining each year.
2. For integration of The Greatest Journey. For more children to be discipled through TGJ.
3. Increase in the number of people that include the $7 shipping in each shoebox.
4. More shoeboxes gifts.
I'm so excited that God blessed OCC and we succeeded in each of these areas!!!!
1. Shoebox value went up 4.5%, so more people packed a "wow" item in their shoeboxes and better "quality" gifts!
2. 37% more children went through The Greatest Journey discipleship classes in 2015!!!!! Over 2 children per minute are saved through TGJ!!!!!!! What a ministry! My Vacation Bible School isn't that successful for sure.
3. The $7 donation for shipping fee had a 10% increase in 2015!!! We collected an average of $4.60 per box in 2014. We are thankful for this increase!
4. And the big shoebox gifts...we asked for more Gospel Opportunities and we had a 10% increase over 2014! The USA packed 8,765,637 shoeboxes! Grand total all of our sending countries packed a grand total of 11,213,010! That's an 7% increase worldwide!!!
God is so good...really Awesome!
We are so blessed to be allowed to be a part of such a great ministry!!!!! Since 1993 we have reached 124 million children around the world, but that is ONLY 5% of the children of the world. There is still work to be done!
We asked for an increase and it was given. Let's do abundantly more in 2016 to reach more children for the name of Jesus! I can't wait to see what God is going to do in 2016!
2016 GOALS:
Worldwide: 12,000,000. That's 12 million Shoebox Gospel Opportunities!
USA: 9,500,000 - an 8% increase!
NEA: 11,222
So what's your goal? Your church's goal? Your organization's goal? Pray and set one today if you haven't already!
Interested in becoming a year-round volunteer for Operation Christmas Child? Click here to learn more about the multiple opportunities including Prayer Mobilization, Church Relations, Community Relations, Media Relations, Project Leader and more!
What goes into the box is fun...what comes out is Eternal! |