July and summer are quickly ending as so is our list of prayer requests for the Sensitive Areas and Countries in the Middle East and North Africa. Here are the specific request we are asking you to pray about this week:
- Pray the countries can become part of the OCC program
- Pray God protects the volunteers in the midst of the civil war.
- Pray for the Christians who are facing persecution from ISIS.
- Pray for the children who are currently enrolled in The Greatest Journey discipleship program.
- Pray for the team as they face challenges because of ISIS.
- As mentioned last week, continue to pray for the Four OCC International Volunteer Leadership Meetings will occur around the world over the next few months. Pray that volunteers will come with open hearts to be encouraged and inspired to further the Gospel to children in their countries.
- Also, continue to be in prayer for the August 5th Quarterly Day of Prayer and Fasting for OCC.