Monday, November 16, 2015

Call to Prayer Day 1 ~ Operation Christmas Child

It is finally National Collection Week! We have a goal of 11 million shoeboxes from our sending countries including Canada, the USA, the United Kingdom, FInland, Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein, Spain, Japan, Australia and New Zealand. 8.6 million is the goal for just from the USA! The Mid-South (Arkansas, Tennessee, & Kentucky) Goal is 737,000. From Northeast Arkansas' 7 counties we hope to collect 10,200 Gospel Opportunity Shoeboxes.  Let us give thanks and praise the God of the harvest who can do immeasurably more than we can image!  Let the collections begin!

"But Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26 ESV

Today, ask God to bless local volunteers who serve to collect, process, transport, and deliver shoebox gifts around the world.

      STOP and pray during the moment of prayer TODAY at 2pm!

Sunday, November 15, 2015

31 Days of Prayer for Operation Christmas Child - Day 31

Day 31 has arrived...I can't believe the month of prayer for Operation Christmas Child has come to an end.Today we are asking for you to pray that Operation Christmas Child will continue to be a powerful tool for churches and pastors around the world as they share Christ in their communities.

Tomorrow begins National Collection Week...please be in prayer for this very special week and for all the volunteers that will be collecting shoeboxes and shipping them to the Processing Centers around the USA before sending them to precious children around the world.  One more rally call from me...tomorrow starts the last push for prayer with the 7 Days of Call to Prayer for OCC. You may choose 30 minute time slots available every hour of the next 7 days to pray for specific requests during National Collection Week. You will receive an email with the specific daily requests. You may do it from your home, work or even your shower or car while driving to work! Click on the link to sign up today! CALL TO PRAYER SIGN UP 

"Be persistent and devoted to prayer, being alert and focused in your prayer life with an attitude of thanksgiving." Colossians 4:2
"For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.” Matthew 18:20

Saturday, November 14, 2015

31 Days of Prayer for Operation Christmas Child - Day 30

It's day thirty and we have almost made it through the 31 one days of prayer for Operation Christmas Child. Today join us in praying for VOLUNTEERS to have a positive experience while working in the Processing Centers and to know the ETERNAL impact of their service! God can take our efforts and multiply them into so much more!
In the hands of local churches, every gift-filled shoebox is a powerful tool for evangelism and discipleship—transforming the lives of children and their families around the world through the Good News of Jesus Christ!

  • Each Shoebox Shares the Good News of Jesus Christ - As shoebox gifts are distributed, local pastors or church leaders present the Gospel in a fun way designed for kids while family and friends listen in. Along with their shoebox gift, children also receive The Greatest Gift, a colorful presentation of the Gospel in their own language. 
  • Shoeboxes bless children with joy, hope, and love - Their shoebox is the first gift many children have ever received! The treasures and personal letters inside communicate that someone cares for them and give them an opportunity to experience the love of God. 
  • Shoeboxes give a church an effective outreach tool - Local churches use gift-filled shoeboxes as a tangible inroad for evangelism. The shoebox gifts allow them access to places they might never be welcomed otherwise. 
  • Shoeboxes makes disciples through the local church - After receiving shoebox gifts, boys and girls are invited to enroll in The Greatest Journey, our 12-lesson discipleship program. They learn from trained local volunteers what it means to faithfully follow Christ and share their faith with others. 
  • Shoeboxes multiply as children share their faith with friends and family - Even before The Greatest Journey course is over, students begin witnessing to others. Then at graduation, the Gospel is shared with their friends and family again. The graduates also receive a New Testament to use personally and in communicating their faith to others. 
  • Shoeboxes grow congregations and plant new churches worldwide - Through the efforts of local believers on our National Leadership Teams, entire communities are being evangelized as shoebox gifts are delivered. Some of these areas do not have any existing church.
"Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen." Ephesians 3:21-21

Friday, November 13, 2015

31 Days of Prayer for Operation Christmas Child - Day 29

Today will you join all of Operation Christmas Child Prayer Warriors in praying for an effective logistics plan and for the safety of the truck drivers as they transport gifts to the Processing Center locations. I am so thankful for the promises in God's Word..."For I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, “Fear not, I am the one who helps you.” Isaiah 41:13

Thursday, November 12, 2015

31 Days of Prayer for Operation Christmas Child - Day 27 & 28

Sorry I am a day behind, so today I will combine yesterday's and today's prayer requests for 31 days of prayer for OCC.
Yesterday we were asking everyone to pray for the new Prayer Mobilization efforts in the Processing Centers including the Prayer Walk Ministry and the Prayer Wall. Also today's request is to pray for the successful worldwide implementation of the discipleship program, The Greatest Journey! You can sign up for the Operation Christmas Child Call to Prayer at: 
We need more people to commit to prayer times next week during National Collection Week, Nov. 16-23rd.

Come on Arkansas....lets cover OCC in Prayer...we can do better than this!!!

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

31 Days of Prayer for Operation Christmas Child - Day 26

Tonight pray for safety for the more than 110,000 volunteers as they travel to the Processing Centers, many from great distances.

An exciting way for groups and individuals to serve the Lord through Operation Christmas Child is to volunteer at one of our collection sites. Opportunities to volunteer are available during National Collection Week, the third week of November. Contact your regional office to learn more about these opportunities.

To serve as a Connect Volunteer with Operation Christmas Child, fill out the Year-Round Volunteer Interest Form

Pray for Ukraine this week. Their specific requests are: 
1. Pray for the opportunity to reach children in areas of war and near the borders.
2. Pray God’s hand will be in all of the OCC trainings for the Ministry Partners and teachers.
3. Pray for the preparation of the documents needed to receive a shipment. Pray the process goes well and moves quickly.

Thanks for your faithfulness.

Monday, November 9, 2015

31 Days of Prayer for Operation Christmas Child - Day 25

Today let us pray for the ongoing and effective ministries of local churches where Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts will be distributed.
The mission of Operation Christmas Child is to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way to needy children around the world, and together with the local church worldwide, to share the Good News of Jesus Christ.

PREPARING TO RECEIVE SHOEBOXES--Even before you have thought about your shoebox, we and our volunteer teams are busy preparing to receive your box through: Prayer, Promotion in sending countries, and Training in receiving countries. 
PACKING SHOEBOXES--You and millions of other people engage in this fun activity. Individuals, Families, Local Churches and other groups, including schools and workplaces all pack these Gospel Opportunity Shoeboxes.
COLLECTING SHOEBOXES--Now bring your box to us so that we can send it on to a needy child.
Drop-off locations Don’t forget your donation – with your shoebox or processed online (you can donate online here to follow your box). Boxes are taken from drop-off/collection points to Processing Centers.  
PROCESSING SHOEBOXES--Each shoebox is checked to make sure all contents are appropriate for children. At Processing Centers, each shoebox is inspected by volunteers. Boxes must meet the receiving country’s customs requirements. Consolidation and preparation for shipment takes place then the boxes are shipped!
SHIPPING SHOEBOXES--Hundreds of trucks/lorries and sea containers are now ready to transport your box and millions like it. Transit to receiving country takes place and Customs clearance happens, then the shoeboxes are delivered to local churches and ministry partners.
DISTRIBUTING SHOEBOXES--Finally, your shoebox gets into the hands of a child! A lively, fun distribution event for children happens! Creative Gospel presentation by local churches and ministry partners happen. Where appropriate Shoeboxes are given to children unconditionally. Wherever appropriate, children are offered a copy of The Greatest Gift of All booklet in their own language by local churches and ministry partners. Soon after an OCC distribution event, the local churches and ministry partners may offer The Greatest Journey (TGJ) to the children participating in OCC in many of their communities. You can read more about this program here on our web site.
THE GREATEST JOURNEY--This exciting discipleship program teaches children to become faithful followers of Jesus Christ. After the OCC distribution event, where appropriate, children who received shoe boxes are invited to participate in TGJ by the local churches and ministry partners.
TGJ is a 12-lesson discipleship program, in the local language, from Samaritan’s Purse. It is utilized by the Operation Christmas Child project and is implemented by local churches and ministry partners. Children join with other children from their community to participate. Volunteers are trained to lead children through the lessons. Children who complete TGJ are awarded a personal certificate and many receive a copy of the New Testament in their local language.